Cock Rings (also known as penis rings, c-rings, erection rings, love rings, etc.) are amazing. They really are. A good quality, well-fitting cock ring can boost, support, and generally maximize your or your penis-owning partner's erection. There are some obvious benefits to a better, stronger, and longer-lasting erection - hint, sex - plus, a good C-ring can make the penis in question look longer and thicker. The whole package, so to speak.
With all those erection-boosting, size-maximizing, sexual pleasure-providing benefits at your disposal, maybe you’re thinking; ‘heck, why don’t I just wear an all day cock ring?’ Please don’t.
Recently, we’ve come across a few cock rings marketed as ‘functional penis jewelry’ or something similar. A sexy style statement. These high-end (and high-priced), solid metal cock rings claim to be safe to wear all day, under clothing.
In theory, when your pants come off, there it is, looking great and ready to play. Some of these so-called all day cock rings can be customized with precious metals and gems, or even engraved. They look really nice, we’ll give them that, but it’s just not a great idea to wear an all day cock ring, or any cock ring all day. Sorry!
In today’s PinkCherry PSA, we’ll get into all the reasons why constant pressure around your or your mate’s penis is a no-no. Listen, we hate to be buzzkills, but we hate unsafe sexual practices more. That’s why we’re also going to tell you how you or your penis-owning partner should wear a cock ring safely, properly, and pleasurably. Oh, and if you’re wondering if cock rings make you last longer, the answer is yes - if you’re using them correctly. So, how long can you wear a cock ring, exactly?
Aside from the fancy-pants ‘penis jewelry’ type of penis ring we talked about, an all day cock ring isn’t so much an object as a practice. An all day cock ring is simply a cock ring - any cock ring - that is worn all day, or at least for several hours.
We found a few online threads consisting of men and other penis owners discussing their experiences with wearing a cock ring all day. Some say that wearing a cock ring under their clothes makes their package (i.e. the bulge) look bigger. Some claim that their penises are bigger or thicker after wearing a cock ring all day. Some even suggest swapping an actual cock ring for an elastic band, because it’s cheaper.
Hopefully, we don’t need to tell you that putting an elastic band around your penis is a terrible idea. Also, there is no way that a cock ring will make anyone’s penis permanently bigger. Just...no. The bigger bulge thing is technically true, but still not worth the risk of wearing an all day cock ring. Would you rather a bigger bulge than a potentially damaged bulge? Probably not.
To answer the question of why we highly discourage penis owning people from wearing their cock rings all day, we’ll need a quick lesson on what a cock ring actually does. But first, you might want to read up on how to use a penis ring or cock ring to reach your full potential- pleasure-wise.
Without going into too much anatomical detail, a cock ring acts as a sort of tourniquet. Once the ring is placed over the shaft of a particular penis, it stops blood from flowing out and away from the blood vessels in that penis. If your or penis owning partner’s goal is a longer-lasting erection, this is a good thing! Blood flow into the penis is crucial to getting hard, but eventually, that blood is going to flow back out, usually post-orgasm, but sometimes (in the case of erectile dysfunction, for instance) faster than you/they want it to.
The pressure and constriction of a cock ring around the base of the penis indirectly constricts penile blood vessels, which, in turn, keeps that erect penis up for action. Temporarily! Too much constriction or constriction for too long a time can lead to some very unpleasant effects, like nerve damage, skin tears, even necrosis (tissue death). To be fair, you’d likely notice that something was wrong long before any of those things happened, and if you’re using a cock ring properly and carefully, you won’t need to worry about those things at all.
All that said, it’s hypothetically possible that you could find a cock ring that probably won’t cause any damage or ill-effects if worn for longer periods of time. If you were able to pinpoint an absolutely exact cock ring size (down to the tiniest fraction of an inch) that couldn't possibly restrict blood flow in or out of your soft or flaccid penis, you might be okay.
However, even a small amount of pressure over the course of a few hours can restrict natural blood flow enough to cause problems, so it’s just not worth it. On that note, if you’re wondering how to measure a cock ring to make sure it fits right, we’ve got that info for you.
One jewelry-type ‘all day cock ring’ site we found insists that their properly sized metal rings simply don't fit tight enough to affect blood flow. Debatable. They do, however, caution against falling asleep with the ring in place. As you probably know, the penis doesn’t take naps. It’s up and active even when its owner is not. If you were to doze out in a position that wasn’t kind to your ringed-up erect penis, you could hurt yourself. Do you want to take that chance for a pretty penis bracelet? Again, probably not.
Restricting blood flow for a short time and for a specific purpose (sex!) is generally safe, but you want to be sure that normal circulation resumes ASAP. The general rule in the industry, and according to most sexual health experts, is that 20 to 30 minutes is the maximum length of time a penis can be safely constricted. Your cock ring should feel pleasantly tight, but not uncomfortable.
Take off your cock ring immediately after sex, or after half an hour, whichever comes first. If you feel any pain, notice any dramatic swelling, or your penis feels hot or cold, stop what you’re doing and remove it. Pronto.
Hopefully, we haven't scared you off cock rings entirely! Like we said at the start of our article, cock rings are great. They can definitely have a very positive (and very firm!), impact on your sex life. They’re simple to use and maximize pleasure for both partners. The key is to use your cock ring correctly, which includes not wearing an all day cock ring. So, to help out, we’ve rounded up some of our top cock ring tips. Enjoy!
Choose the Right Ring
This seems like a really obvious tip, but it’s super important. If you’re a cock ring beginner, trying to wrangle a solid metal cock ring over your penis, or getting your balls tangled up in a multi-ring cock and ball contraption could turn you off the idea of cock rings forever. If, on the other hand, you’re a cock ring expert and love the feel of extra firm penis constriction, a standard, stretchy silicone cock ring might not be intense enough for you.
As a rule, softer, more flexible cock rings are better suited to cock ring newbies. Look for an adjustable ring made of silicone, rubber, PVC, or TPE. If you’re worried about getting your constriction ring off and on, try a lasso or snap-style cock ring.
Steel and firmer silicone cock rings, as well as cock and ball style or cock rings with two or more constriction points are great for more experienced vibrating cock ring wearers.
Put Your Ring On Properly
Honestly, plenty of people get this wrong, and it’s not hard (so to speak) to see why. It seems like it would make the most sense to put your cock ring on when you have a full erection. You’re already at max capacity, and theoretically, the cock ring is going to keep all that boner blood right where you want it. Actually, you should slip on your cock ring before you’re erect or semi-erect. It’s just easier. Don’t be shy about using a water-based or silicone lube, either!
Get the Vibe Right
Vibrating cock rings are hugely popular, and it’s not hard to see why. Vibration makes almost everything better, sure, but in the case of the vibrating penis rings, it plays a big, orgasmic role in pleasing your partner. Vibrating cock rings can definitely help with erection firmness and longevity, but the pleasure factor is usually a big point of focus. Vibrating cock rings can absolutely be used in combination with didos and strap-on penetrators, too.
If your partner has a clitoris, choose a vibrating cock ring that features a vibrating stimulator up top. During sex, the vibe will line up, more or less, with their outer sweet spots. Plus, you’ll feel the vibrations, too. So, win/win right there.
If you’re having anal sex, a cock ring with the same type of top-placed vibe can tickle and tease their periemum and balls, potentially. You can also flip the vibrating area downward to target your own balls or perineum (depending on how you wear your adjustable cock ring).
We said it right at the start, and we’ll say it again: wearing an all day adjustable ring is just not a good idea, no matter how well you measure your erection ring and penis, or how carefully you monitor yourself or a partner. It’s just not worth the risk.
On the other hand, wearing a non-all day adjustable cock ring can be a great idea, especially if you’re looking for a little extra je ne sais pas in the sexiness department, or just want to experiment with one of the most beloved adult sex toys in existence. And hey, since you’re here, why not browse through our massive cock ring selection for a little erection ring inspiration?