Chances are, you’ve partaken in some self-pleasure here and there. But have you even thought about the benefits you’re receiving aside from making yourself feel good? The pros of masturbation aren’t all that different from the pros of partnered sex, so let’s learn the health benefits you’ll achieve from either route.
The Top (Surprising) Pros of Masturbation
When we’re talking about what makes masturbation so great, you can think about the same positive aspects of sexual activity shared with someone else. The major difference is that you remove some of the health risks associated with intercourse. Also, masturbating gives you control over the reins in your sex life. You’ll get to experience your sexual pleasure the way you want to, whether that’s through manual masturbation or using a sex toy.
When you’ve got sexual health questions, we’ve got answers. We’ll cover everything you’ve ever wanted to know about getting off, jacking (or jerking) off, tickling your pickle, beating your meat, playing with yourself, or whatever you like to call your self-love sessions.
Pros of Masturbation (Our Top 5)
There are several pros of masturbation worth a mention.
1. Low to no risk of unwanted pregnancy: for pregnancy to occur, sperm must meet egg. If you’re masturbating alone, the chances of your gametes (reproductive cells) finding their way to each other are slim to none. With proper cleanup, you’ll remove any risk of pregnancy.
2. Low to no risk of contracting STIs: as with pregnancy, STI risk is slim to none. To protect yourself, never share sex toys and make sure you sanitize them before and after use. You can use a specially formulated sex toy cleaner or gentle soap and warm water. Use condoms with any shared sex toys when necessary.
3. Improved self-image: learning what you enjoy most during sexual activity is often an uplifting experience. You can find more appreciation for certain body parts or the way your body functions. You can explore new areas that might have been overlooked in a previous sexual relationship.
4. Reduces stress and anxiety: when you masturbate, your body releases hormones, like endorphins and prolactin (to name a few). They all react differently but lead to improved mood and reduced stress levels.
5. Encourages restful sleep: when you masturbate before going to bed, the oxytocin and endorphins released help you to relax and relieve stress. This means you can sleep more soundly.
Is Masturbation Healthy?
It’s not a secret. People masturbate. But is it healthy to masturbate? Are there negative aspects as far as health is concerned? If there are, what can you do about it?
The short answer to the first question is: yes, masturbation is a healthy part of life! That said, if you choose not to masturbate, you’re not putting yourself in any danger, either. We can’t ignore the fact that some people have different beliefs about masturbation or have other health issues that can impact their ability to do so.
You may have heard some myths about masturbation like, you’ll grow hair on your palms, you’ll go blind, your growth will be stunted, you’ll get acne, and other crazy baseless notions. Thankfully, those statements are completely false. Masturbating is safe and can even be good for you.
Now for the real truth on the negative side of masturbation: there really isn’t one! Not as far as your physical health goes anyway. You could have some hesitation about self pleasure due to your upbringing, religious beliefs, your preferences, or other health issues (like erectile dysfunction), and that’s okay, too. Choosing to masturbate or not is totally up to you.
How Much Masturbation is Too Much?
Excessive masturbation does not pose any health risks, either physically or mentally. The only problems that occur due to a person’s masturbation habits may be an impact on their ability to function outside of the bedroom. If your masturbation is causing you to perform poorly in school or work or miss out on time with family and friends, you might want to consider toning it down. If you need help with this, you can consult a behavior specialist or a sex therapist. There are even facilities in several countries to treat sex addiction. They are usually set up like retreat centers with activities, group and one-on-one therapies, and exercise opportunities.
You should never feel embarrassed about how often you choose to masturbate. Some people masturbate only once a year or never while others masturbate several times per day. Masturbation frequency interfering in the rest of a person’s life is a very rare issue. As long as you are physically healthy and happy, continue on with whatever works best for you.
Masturbation Hormones
One of the best-known pros of masturbation relates to the hormones that are released during arousal and orgasm. The same hormones are released during partnered sex, so you can benefit either way. The following hormones are attributed to getting off:
- Dopamine – also known as the “happiness hormone,” dopamine is the hormone that makes our brain feel rewarded.
- Endorphins – masturbation releases endorphins that act to relieve pain, boost your mood, and are known for reducing stress.
- Oxytocin – also known as the “love hormone,” oxytocin makes you feel connected to your partner (or in the case of masturbation, yourself).
- Testosterone – no matter your sex or gender identity, your body produces testosterone when sexually stimulated to keep your arousal and stamina going steady. Just thinking about sex can encourage testosterone release.
- Prolactin – an orgasm releases prolactin to boost your mood and immune system. Maybe we should change the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” to “masturbation every day keeps the doctor away.” This hormone also increases lactation production.
Masturbation Effects on the Brain
If you’re feeling a little down in the dumps, masturbating might be just what you need. That’s right! The hormones released during masturbation can give you a little pick-me-up.
Masturbation might also lead to improved focus and concentration. There’s even a (non-scientific! )name for this phenomenon: post-nut clarity. While science doesn’t have any clear-cut evidence, feeling relaxed and happy might help you unblock your brain for your next work task.
Stress and anxiety can be greatly eased thanks to the oxytocin released during masturbation. Reducing these feelings can have an overall impact on your health, too. Since stress and anxiety can cause other physical health challenges, it’s an especially important pro of masturbation.
Masturbation Effects on Health
We’ve talked a lot about how the pros of masturbation affect your brain, but what about the rest of your body? Does masturbation improve overall health in other ways?
The oxytocin hormone that makes us feel all lovey dovey is actually responsible for lowering cortisol levels. This reduces stress, which is great for your brain. High levels of cortisol contribute to weight gain, acne, easy bruising, slowed healing, irritability, and headache among other concerning health issues. Sign us up for lowered cortisol please!
We know that masturbating can lead to better sleep, but what does that mean for your physical health? When you sleep, your body works to repair damaged cells, restore your energy, and release hormones and proteins you need to function. Your brain also gets rid of toxic waste while you snooze.
Benefit from the Pros of Masturbation with Products from PinkCherry
Now that you’ve learned all about the pros of masturbation, you can give it a try and experience the long list of benefits for yourself. Why not make the most of your “me-time” with products from PinkCherry that will help take self-love to the next level! You don’t need to be a pro to experience the pros of masturbation with our sex toys for beginners. Or check out our newest sex toys and products to make beating it alone the best part of your day - or at least a really good part!